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Part C Appeals

Part C Member Appeals

What is an Appeal?

If Superior HealthPlan STAR+PLUS Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) says no to your request for coverage you have the right to ask us to change our mind. To make an appeal means asking for another chance to get the coverage you want.

Making an Appeal

You must make your appeal within 65 days from the date on the letter we sent to you telling you our answer to your request for coverage. If you have a good reason for sending your appeal after the 65 days, we might give you more time.

How to File an Appeal:

You may file an appeal in one of three ways: Call, FAX or Write:

  • Call Superior STAR+PLUS MMP at 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711). Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours, on weekends and federal holidays, you may be asked to leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. 
  • FAX: 1-844-273-2671
  • Write:

Superior HealthPlan STAR+PLUS Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP)
Appeals  and Grievances - Medicare Operations
7700 Forsyth Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63105

If you ask in writing, your appeal must include your:

1. Name.
2. Address.
3. Member number.
4. Reasons for the appeal.
5. Medical records, notes or a letter from your doctor.

Part C Non-Contracted Provider Appeals

How Do Non-Contracted Providers File a Claim Appeal?  

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) says we must offer Medicare appeal rights to non-contracted providers for any claim which was denied payment. Your Appeal Request should be sent to the following address:

Superior HealthPlan STAR+PLUS Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP)
Appeals and Grievances - Medicare Operations
P.O. Box 3060
Farmington, MO 63640

Please be sure to include the following with your submission:

Our decision will be provided to you within 60 days from the date we received your appeal.

Part C Non-Contracted Provider Appeals


How Do Non-Contracted Providers File a Claim Appeal?  

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) says we must offer Medicare appeal rights to non-contracted providers for any claim which was denied payment.  Your Appeal Request should be sent to the following address:

Non-Contracted Provider Appeal Requests should be sent, with the filled out WOL and EOP, to:

Superior HealthPlan STAR+PLUS Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP)
Appeals  and Grievances - Medicare Operations
P.O. Box 10450
Van Nuys, CA 91410-0450

Please be sure to include the following with your submission:

  • A completed and signed "Waiver of Liability" (WOL) form.
  • A copy of the Explanation of Payment (EOP) and relevant other doctor notes.

Our decision will be provided to you within 60 days from the date we received your appeal.


For more information, call Member Services at 1-866-896-1844. Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours, on weekends and on holidays, you may be asked to leave a message. Your call will be returned the next business day. TTY users call 711.,,,,,,,,,

Last updated: 10/01/2024

Material ID: H6870_WEBSITE_2025_B Approved 10232024

Superior HealthPlan STAR+PLUS Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) is a health plan that contracts with both Medicare and Texas Medicaid to provide benefits of both programs to enrollees.

This is not a complete list. The benefit information is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan or read the Superior STAR+PLUS MMP Member Handbook.

Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Superior STAR+PLUS MMP members, except in emergency situations. Please call our Member Services number or see your Member Handbook for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services.

Other pharmacies/physicians/providers are available in our network.

If you need help finding a network provider and/or pharmacy, please call 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711) or visit to access our online searchable directory. If you would like a Provider/Pharmacy Directory mailed to you, you may call the number above, request one at the website link provided above, or email

For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings, call 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711).

ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours, on weekends and on holidays, you may be asked to leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. The call is free.

ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711) de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m., lunes a viernes. Después de horas hábiles, los fines de semana y los días festivos, es posible que se le pida que deje un mensaje. Le devolveremos la llamada el próximo día hábil. La llamada es gratuita.

Last updated: 10/01/2024

Material ID: H6870_WEBSITE_2025_B Approved 10232024

Superior HealthPlan STAR+PLUS Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP) is a health plan that contracts with both Medicare and Texas Medicaid to provide benefits of both programs to enrollees.

This is not a complete list. The benefit information is a brief summary, not a complete description of benefits. For more information contact the plan or read the Superior STAR+PLUS MMP Member Handbook.

Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Superior STAR+PLUS MMP members, except in emergency situations. Please call our Member Services number or see your Member Handbook for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services.

Other pharmacies/physicians/providers are available in our network.

If you need help finding a network provider and/or pharmacy, please call 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711) or visit to access our online searchable directory. If you would like a Provider/Pharmacy Directory mailed to you, you may call the number above, request one at the website link provided above, or email

For accommodations of persons with special needs at meetings, call 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711).

ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are available to you. Call 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Friday. After hours, on weekends and on holidays, you may be asked to leave a message. Your call will be returned within the next business day. The call is free.

ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-866-896-1844 (TTY: 711) de 8 a. m. a 8 p. m., lunes a viernes. Después de horas hábiles, los fines de semana y los días festivos, es posible que se le pida que deje un mensaje. Le devolveremos la llamada el próximo día hábil. La llamada es gratuita.